Tuesday 13 November 2007

I don't want to worry you, but.......

I don't want to worry you, but.......this was the long-term forecast for the blast last week from a specialist source (http://www.lowefo.com/) .......
and this is the long term forecast for 24th to 28th November:

'24th to 28th November. Storm/hurricane gusts of 145 to 210 kmh. Likely track (80% confident) of damage eastwards from the British Isles: Netherlands, Denmark, North Germany, South Sweden and parts of the Baltic countries and Finland. This storm unfolds on the 304th anniversary of the devastating tempest of 26th/27th November 1703 and has potential similarities to it, but is likely to be less extreme. Still, it is likely to cause breaches of sea defences in West & South British Isles and the Dutch, German and Danish coasts. We estimate the max gusts in some places.'

A long way ahead in weather terms, but....?

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