A stroll in north Deal this evening to watch a hunting
Barn Owl, quartering the marshy fields in search of food. It was ghostly fawn-white in the dusking light.

It gave good views both at a distance and as it flew over, but defeated the camera of course.
Consequently, I''l steal some of SteveR's pics.......

On the way home, the rasping call of a young
Tawny Owl was heard by the scout camp.
Near the strangly-named Willow Woods (there are no willows, and it's miles from water) is a bank which is covered with tall plants with blue flowers that I'd never seen before. It turns out that it's
Chicory, presumably naturalised after seeding by the Highways Authority.

The colour of the flowers is similar to that of Cornflowers, and it's a bright addition to the landscape - more please!

Finally, it is reported sadly that one of the adult
Little Owls was found dead on the road below the stump. Fortunately the other adult is still there, hopefully able to feed the two chicks.

There was an email discussion recently about Little Owls standing in the road, and it seems that this one may have succumbed from doing this.
Evening light makes it so hard to capture anything. I think the shot of it flying over the field is interesting because you see how it stands out against that background. SteveR did a great joy with his photos. It's a pretty owl and so different from your Little Owls. That is so sad about the little owl parent. Hope the other stays safe. I've never been able to sort out Chicory and cornflowers. They look the same to me. I believe what I see on our roadsides is Chicory.
Beautiful pictures. We see a lot of chicory here, too.
You referred to the scout camp. Do you mean the at the top field behind Walmer Castle?
I was saddened to learn about the owl parent's demise. Do they mate for life?
Mary & Lin, thanks for the considerate comments. I was interested to hear that chicory is well-known by you.
Candice, there was a boys' camp area on Hawksdown but I think it's finished now. The Scout Camp is on the other side of the village, now revitalised after a couple of years disuse.
Do Little Owls mate for life? I don't know, but I'll be watching the stump with interest next year.
I have tried to grow Chicory once and it was successful for a couple of years but then it just seemed to diminish the next. This lovely blue flower is one of my favourites to find.
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