There are enough thistles flowering at the moment to please even Eeyore in his Thistle Patch. My favourite is the
Woolly Thistle, which is found on the North Downs above Folkestone.

There is a plethora of Spear, Slender, Meadow and Creeping Thistles, but it's good to see distinctively different species.

Dwarf or
Stemless Thistle is painful to sit upon, and when it's not flowering it's not easy to see.

Carline Thistles are looking good, and will desiccate and stay until next year's crop appears.

The nodding
Musk Thistle

Sorry, don't know what this is.

The various
Knapweeds add a darker purple to the landscape (or in this case, a white one).

Burdock (does anyone
really like Dandelion & Burdock drinks?)
You amaze me! I never dreamed there were so many different thistles! I thought all thistles were just the every day purple variety that I see around here (I have exactly one growing in my side yard that will bloom soon). Each one was interesting in some way.
Eeyore , my all time 'Super Hero' , would be proud of you for highlighting this much maligned flower . My book lists 27 varieties in the UK , all members of the Daisy family .
I see you were re-united with the Wasp Beetle on the Black Knapweed .
Just a guess on the 'unknown' - Welted Thistle . Hope your excursion wasn't too painful.
Nice original post steve,
acurate, and to the ''point''
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