There I was, minding my own business taking photos of the first flowering of Hoary Stocks on the cliff edge, when there was a rude interruption.

The family of Ravens arrived, with an adult as centre of attention.

Two youngsters noisily pursued it, unsurprisingly in view of the bloody morsel that it held in its beak. (
Clicking on the photo gives a closer view of the gruesome gobbet)

One young one remained on the cliff so presumably missed out this time, as I lost sight of the others.
Steve ,
Nothing wrong with your Raven shots , much better than my efforts at Ashdown Forest .
Re. your last post , assuming that the second last shot was a large plant , I would go for one of the umbelifers . Without seeing leaves , would go for Hogweed/Hemlock/Water Parsnip .
There is also a family on the cliffs beneath Lewes golf course.
your raven photos are fine Steve,but thanks for the plug
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