- Watch the waders at high tide at Snettisham
- Visit Ranscombe Farm in north Kent for Corncockles and Cornflowers, Cudweed and Ground Pine (failed to find the Ground Pine tho')
- Find a Late Spider Orchid on the downs, and
- Visit a place I know where Fly Orchids flower, but for once at the right time.
So that's a good start to the list, and hopefully a few trips around Britain this year should tick off a few more (where are those blasted shearwaters?).
What else did I see this year?
Some glorious birds .....
.... lovely butterflies and some beautiful flowers........
I also met some great people, but I've not got photos of them.
What will 2011 bring? Perhaps I should add some more lines to my to-do list, to bring it back up to twenty again, because it would be damaging to reach the end of the list and have nothing to look forward to.
How about trying to see Great Bustards, Large Blues and Cirl Buntings in the West Country for a start? That would be good.
May the new year be good for my readers, and for those writers whose blogs I enjoy. I hope you realise how much pleasure you give.