I've just started to read Hardy's
Under the Greenwood Tree and the phrase seems appropriate as a bit of shade is welcome as the temperatures climb again. The great trees of the woods are standing tall and broad in the early autumn sunshine, showing off their fruits and (in the case of the oaks) showering the ground and passers-by with them too.
It is, therefore, safer to sit under a hornbeam whose seeds are rather less bullet-like.

No doubt others are finding fungi, but the dry leaf-litter is giving up few secrets around here, with just this one to be found - and I'll continue my policy of not guessing their names, as I have few enough readers without killing some off by

Cranesbills are flourishing on the woodland verges but in this case my lack of identification is due to ignorance, not discretion.

statuesque Sweet Chestnut avenue at
Acrise is showering the road with spiny seedcases, but the harvest is not good this year, and the nuts are thin and shrivelled.

After the farmers' harvest, preparations for the next crop are moving quickly. With care you might be able to make out two
twitchers walking along the clifftop, about the spend a couple of hours failing to find a Common
Whitebeam berries are giving a fine show, and on ivy flowers our new friend the Ivy Bee can be seen.
Under the Greenwood Tree opens on Christmas Eve - which with this lovely weather seems a long way away.
Steve ,
Head on block time then .
Your fungi looks like Amanita citrina / False Death Cap from here .
Your first Cranesbill looks like Pencilled Cranesbill , but there is also a hybrid between that and French Cranesbill which the book says is more frequent here than either of them . The second looks like a pale version of Herb Robert / Geranium robertianum .
Enjoy the sun .
Sweet Chestnuts may be having a poor crop Steve, but here the Horse chestnuts are big and shiny :-)
Thanks Fred, I'll go along with the fungus but wouldn't dare say so.
I expected the first Cranesbill to be a garden variety so thanks for that, and you're probably right on Herb Robert too.
Warren, hi, the sweet'uns might flesh out with this good weather. Oh to be young and playing conkers again!
Greenie has beaten me to it but False death cap looks good. The Geranium is probably a hybrid of French and Pencilled. Up here there are no Pencilled but the garden escapes are all French that I have found so far. Not many Sweet Chestnuts up here either I'm afraid so no elegant sweeping avenues. Nice pics Steve
Sandhill Crane on its way towards you Steve - went past North Warren in Suffolk at midday!
I am collating records of Colletes hederae nationally, and I would love the full details of your record
I am on spmr[at]msn.com
Cheers, Stuart Roberts
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