Saturday 2 February 2008

Winter sunshine

A few patches of Sweet Violets were found on the cliff top today, blinking in the winter sunlight.
Otherwise most of the vegetation is brown, blasted by the colds winds, but Carline Thistles (although a bit beige) retain their style throughout.
Greenery is provided by that invasive immigrant, the Winter Heliotrope, which seems particularly extensive this year, shutting out the light from native plants.

Looking across to the village, a pattern of environmental protection can be seen, as wide field margins have been left for wildlife....

... while in the old Scout Camp, a flock of sheep is helping to keep the grass down, their baas always surprising me as farm livestock is rare in the village.

1 comment:

me ann my camera said...

As the Black-capped Chickadee is to the Marsh Tit, so are your Sweet Violets to our Purple Violets,which are our provincial flower. I won't be photographing any here though until probably sometime in May. Also I had noticed you posted a Coltsfoot earlier; they are usually the first wildflower that I find in bloom, hopefully in March this spring...but as in all seasons, weather matters.