Saturday, 3 May 2008

Fredville (where?) trees

There is a country estate near Goodnestone (on the way to Canterbury) called Fredville, which we happened upon during a country walk to enjoy the good weather. The park surrounding the main house has many huge, old trees, like this Sweet Chestnut.
Maria's a bit of a tree-hugger.
We didn't see the most famous tree, however, as it is in the garden, not the park. The Fredville Majesty Oak was vast when this print was made in 1808 - a circumference of 28 feet was measured then, and apparently is has not changed much since - it is featured in Pakenham's Meetings with Remarkable Trees.What happened to the House? It was occupied by Canadians in WW2, and it burned down in 1940 leaving only the outbuildings and lodges. Canucks - huh!

On a very different scale, I was pleased to see these two small plants - Field Pansy and Wood Speedwell - on the walk, as well as three Swifts (but no House Martins) a Turtle Dove and a Treecreeper.
Part of the walk was on the Miners' Trail, which takes in the now-disused Kentish mining villages.


Mary said...

What huge trees! I wonder how many people it would take to reach all the way around it?? You have so much history everywhere you go. Fascinating. That field of yellow is beautiful.

NW Nature Nut said...

Those trees are amazing! I love the last well framed. What a pretty place.