Monday 7 December 2009


If you have problems with the argument, please tell your children that you prefer to do nothing and that they can face the consequences.
The recent smear campaign against the evidence of climate change reminds me of the evolution/creation debate....
even when the case is proven beyond all reasonable doubt, there is suddenly a publicity campaign repeating all the claims to the contrary.
There is a good presentation of the claims of the nay-sayers on the BBC website
I'm no good at arguments, but I'll just present my view as it stands......
our pollution of the planet has destabilised the natural cycles, and we should do all we can to reduce its effects; but (I'm sorry) it's probably too late.

Some (the Maldives, Bangladesh) will suffer more than others, and, in this instance, the polluter will pay least.


Warren Baker said...

We may pay least, but in the end we will pay!

shame we have to take everything down with us. :-(

Mary said...

Beautiful photos! I think we will find the answer lies in the middle, like with most things. The extremists on both sides are usually wrong. Creation and evolution go hand in hand very well, if people allow their minds to look at it that way, but I'm not trying to use your blog to preach.

Kingsdowner said...

Mary, thank you for your discretion!
This isn't a place for a scrap :-)

Anonymous said...

It seemed very convenient that so called "evidence" had been called in to question just before Copenhagen. Let's face it if the powers that be don't want to do anything they won't. Because it will take a lot more than rhetoric and a few hollow promises to make a difference. I know I'm pessimistic but please somebody give me a reason not to be.

Anonymous said...

Whoops, there I go butting in again. Hope I'm not starting a scrap.